Physical signs of stress and anxiety

There are several signs your body will exhibit if you are feeling stressed or anxious. This chart

will help you understand what they are and why they happen.

If you are struggling with stress and anxiety, you could try some of the grounding techniques

below this chart

To help deal with stress and anxiety, you could try the following grounding techniques to help feel more


First: close your eyes and assess how you are, from your feet upwards, your emotions, feelings and

thoughts in the present moment.

Second: focus on your breath. Concentrate on each in-breath and each out-breath.

Third: widen your awareness out again to your whole body and the space around you. Notice the sounds,

smells, air temperature.

Open your eyes. How do you feel now?

Or this short exercise can help bring you into the current moment if you are caught up in thought or worries. You will need a chair or somewhere to sit:

Feet – drop your attention down to your feet, feel the contact with the ground. Move your feet around on the floor, concentrate on the firmness of the floor. Curl up your toes for a few seconds, and notice the sensation

Chair – notice the feeling of sitting on the chair, and the contact you have with it. Feel how the chair is

supporting you.

If you are concerned about other signs of stress such as panic attacks and flashbacks, please see our

separate page on these, which has some techniques to help you cope.

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