We are a charity that support survivors of all genders over the age of 13 from across Surrey, who have been raped, sexually abused or have had an unwanted sexual experience
Our confidential helpline provides information and emotional support to survivors of rape or sexual abuse, and to people who are supporting a survivor.
We provide a range of counselling services to meet the needs of all survivors, however you identify, aged 13 and over across Surrey
Our ISVAs can support all survivors of rape and sexual abuse over the age of 13 in Surrey
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We are a charity that support survivors of all genders over the age of 13 from across Surrey, who have been raped, sexually abused or have had an unwanted sexual experience
Our confidential helpline provides information and emotional support to survivors of rape or sexual abuse, and to people who are supporting a survivor. If you need to talk, we are here to listen to you
We provide a range of counselling services to meet the needs of all survivors aged 13 and over across Surrey
Our ISVAs can support all survivors of rape and sexual abuse over the age of 13 in Surrey
About us
We are a registered charity, established in 1992, and based in Guildford. We work with anyone in Surrey whose life has been affected by rape or sexual abuse, whether recently or in the past.
Here for you
Our offices are open 9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday on 01483 568000, or email us on admin@rasasc-guildford.org
Our services
We provide a range of free, confidential, specialist support services
Write a description
Unsure which service is for you? Visit our FAQs page to read about our services and find out the answers to many other questions
How We Help
Data for 2022-23 shows:
individuals were supported through our counselling services
of service users
an improvement
to their health and wellbeing
after using our services
clients were supported
by our Independent
Violence Advisors
calls taken
on our confidential helpline
of clients said they were able to cope better with aspects of everyday life after using our services
For national statistics, visit: www.ons.gov.uk
Get Involved
Volunteer with us and make a difference to the lives of survivors of rape and sexual abuse.
We are a charitable organisation. Your donation will allow us to help even more survivors of rape and sexual abuse to rebuild their lives.
Collecting Boxes
Could your business or place of work display a RASASC collecting box? We have 50 collecting boxes that need distributing across Surrey.
Our team have regular events throughout the year. Please contact us or click the link below to find out more.
I cannot thank you enough for supporting me.
You’ve said everything I would have said but didn’t have the courage to. People like you provide us with the hope that there are good people out there.
RASASC client