Zadzwoń na naszą infolinię pod numer 01483 546400 – jesteśmy dostępni od poniedziałku do czwartku w godzinach 19:30–21:30

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About us

Jesteśmy zarejestrowaną organizacją charytatywną założoną w 1992 roku z siedzibą w Guildford. Współpracujemy z każdą osobą w Surrey, której życie zostało dotknięte gwałtem lub wykorzystywaniem seksualnym, zarówno niedawno, jak i w przeszłości.

Here for you

Our offices are open 9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday on 01483 568000, or email us on

Our services

Oferujemy szereg bezpłatnych, poufnych i specjalistycznych usług wsparcia

Nie wiesz, która usługa jest dla Ciebie? Odwiedź naszą stronę z często zadawanymi pytaniami, aby przeczytać o naszych usługach i znaleźć odpowiedzi na wiele innych pytań

Jak pomagamy

Dane za lata 2022–23 pokazują:


individuals were supported through our counselling services


of service users



dla ich zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia

po skorzystaniu z naszych usług


clients were supported

przez naszego Niezależnego


Doradcy ds. przemocy


odebrane połączenia

na naszej poufnej linii pomocy


of clients said they were able to cope better with aspects of everyday life after using our services

For national statistics, visit:


Autor: Kate Whitaker 13 lutego 2025
RASASC are very disappointed by the Church vote against independent safeguarding measures.
Autor: Kate Whitaker 17 stycznia 2025
We’re delighted at the adoption of all 20 recommendations from the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Autor: Kate Whitaker 8 stycznia 2025
Thank you for all your generous donations to our 2024 Christmas Appeal
Autor: Kate Whitaker 23 grudnia 2024
We’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters, partners and volunteers for their ongoing support this year. Some of our key achievements in 2024 include: Delivering counselling to 934 people, supporting 1,248 ISVA clients and taking 1,094 calls on our helpline Securing a £110,000 three year grant from Children in Need for our Youth Counselling Service Speaking to over 450 secondary school pupils across Surrey in bespoke workshops and assemblies An incredible £31,000 raised through our Charity of the Year partnership with Burhill Golf Club Amazing supporter Kristen , who ran an incredible three half marathons in three consecutive days Attending Pride in Surrey , and talking to everyone there about what we do, including the Mayor of Guildford Being invited along to Freshers Week at The University of Surrey to chat with students and staff Hosting a visit by the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey who donated £6,000 towards our work Attending a charity golf day held by Surrey Golfbags Charity Golf Society, which raised an incredible £16,200 Being invited to be part of the panel for the Surrey Soroptimist’s conference ‘Is Surrey Safe for Women?’ Securing grants of £10,000 from NEXT towards our counselling services, and £500 from TKMaxx and Homesense Foundation Having an amazing team of 10 runners in the London Landmarks Half Marathon – including our own CEO Daisy - who raised a fantastic £5,000 between them Our very own Fundraising Manager Helen, who took on the Brighton and Hove Triathlon in September, and raised nearly £600 Receiving a donation from the High Sheriff of Surrey of £4,000 for our Youth Counselling work Being nominated by the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey for two tickets to the Christmas Carol Service at Westminster Abbey, which allowed us to treat two of our long serving staff and volunteers What an incredible year. We are always humbled and grateful for the lengths supporters go to to raise money to support our work with survivors of rape and sexual abuse across Surrey. None of this would be possible without your support, so thank you We'd like to wish all of our supporters, volunteers, staff and partners a happy and healthy new year, and we look forward to working with you more in 2025.
Autor: Kate Whitaker 20 grudnia 2024
Our office is closed over Christmas. Here are details of support services if you need help
Autor: Kate Whitaker 2 grudnia 2024
RASASC's X account will close on 6 December 2024
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Get Involved


Dołącz do nas jako wolontariusz i zmień życie ofiar gwałtu i wykorzystywania seksualnego.

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We are a charitable organisation. Your donation will allow us to help even more survivors of rape and sexual abuse to rebuild their lives.

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Zbieranie pudełek

Could your business or place of work display a RASASC collecting box? We have 50 collecting boxes that need distributing across Surrey.

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Our team have regular events throughout the year. Please contact us or click the link below to find out more.

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Jeśli martwimy się o Twoje bezpieczeństwo lub bezpieczeństwo kogoś innego, być może RASASC będzie musiało złamać poufność, abyśmy mogli uzyskać dla Ciebie pomoc. Poważnie podchodzimy do poufności i będziemy to robić tylko w wyjątkowych okolicznościach. Postaramy się z Tobą porozmawiać, zanim przekażemy informacje dalej. Stronami, którym możemy ujawnić informacje, są służby ratunkowe i społeczne.

Nie mogę ci wystarczająco podziękować za wsparcie.

You’ve said everything I would have said but didn’t have the courage to.  People like you provide us with the hope that there are good people out there.


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