Call our helpline on 01483 546400 - we are available Monday to Thursday, 7:30pm to 9:30pm


We are an inclusive service that supports survivors of all genders over the age of 13 from across Surrey, who have been raped, sexually abused or have had an unwanted sexual experience.

We aim to help survivors overcome the abuse they have experienced and rebuild their lives.

We are made up of a small team of paid staff and volunteers. We are supported by funding from statutory and community organisations, charitable trusts, and individual donations.

We are a member of The Survivors Trust and our services meet The Survivors Trust Standards. We are also a member of the Helpline Partnership and the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists.

Thank you so much

since I’ve been doing what you suggested I’ve seen a massive difference and I’m feeling so much better. I’m concentrating on the things I can control and I’m trying every day to be kind to myself.

  RASASC client

Our History

We were founded in 1992, when staff at the local sexual health clinic identified the need for a specialist service to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse. We initially obtained funding to set up a helpline service for two evenings a week. We recruited our first volunteers in 1993 and the helpline opened in September that year.

Over the next few years our services expanded, and in 1995 we launched our face-to-face counselling service. The following year, our helpline service was extended to five evenings a week, to meet growing demand, and in 1996 we received our registered charity status from the Charity Commission.

RASASC's growth

Our first paid worker, a part-time post, was recruited in 1997. In 1998, we introduced our self-help support groups and over the next few years we recruited more volunteers for our helpline and counselling services. In 2002 we became a member of The Survivors Trust , a national umbrella organisation for rape and sexual abuse services.

In 2010, thanks to funding from the Home Office, we recruited our first Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA). Since then, our ISVA service has steadily grown to meet survivors needs, and we now have a team of 11 ISVAs covering a range of needs including young people aged 13-19, mental health needs, LGBTQ+, physical and mental disabilities, male survivors, older people, and survivors from hard to reach and marginalised communities.

Like all voluntary organisations, funding remains a challenge. In October 2016 RASASC recruited a part-time professional fundraiser to develop a robust fundraising strategy and help diversify our income, and in 2023 this became a full time post.

In 2018 we introduced specialist youth and family counselling services, and in 2020 we recruited a Communications and Engagement Manager to help raise awareness in the community about the impacts of rape and sexual abuse, and the services we offer.

Looking forward

Demand for our support has greatly increased. RASASC remains the only specialist rape and sexual abuse support service in Surrey that works with survivors of all genders and backgrounds.


We are continually learning and adapting. Through listening to the experiences of our clients, we can ensure we are there for more survivors of rape, sexual abuse or unwanted sexual experiences.

Forever grateful for the difference you made to my life.

Don't underestimate the importance of the work you do, and how important you are to my recovery

RASASC client

However, we can’t do it on our own. Your support is vital in helping us continue to reach those who need us. To set up a one-off or regular donation towards our vital work, visit our donate page.  You will be directly changing the lives of those affected by rape and sexual abuse. Thank you.

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