Our Trustees
KEVIN YOUNG Chair & Treasurer
Kevin is a Chartered Accountant with more than 30 years' experience in senior finance roles, including locally as Group Finance Director at a quoted civil engineering and business services company. Now retired, Kevin is using his skills to support local charities.
Kevin's interest in RASASC came from wanting to support a local charity that provides services to improve the overall health and wellbeing of vulnerable individuals.
Kevin is also a trustee at The Eikon Charity, which delivers emotional wellbeing and mental health services to local children and young people.
Marion began her career as a police officer in London in the 1970’s. After raising her family, Marion worked in Children’s Social Care and later BUPA. A passion to support survivors of abuse led to her joining Hounslow Domestic Violence Outreach Service as an Independent Domestic & Sexual Violence Advisor.
Marion retired from this role in 2020. However, wanting to support survivors during lockdown, Marion took on a maternity cover role as an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) at RASASC, before becoming a full-time ISVA for four years. She finally retired for a second time in 2024 to focus on travelling and family life.
A desire to continue to support RASASCs work has seen Marion return as a trustee, bringing with her a wealth of experience in safeguarding and the criminal justice system.
Caroline was introduced to RASASC through Surrey Police as a means of support while she was a witness in a court case. The information and care she received from her ISVA was invaluable, and it was this that inspired her to become a trustee for us.
Sian is an experienced Programme Manager and Director with over 20 years experience in delivering financial services transformation projects across both IT and business across the world, recently focussing on implementation around largescale regulatory changes.
Sian became interested in RASASC following her own experience of sexual assault as a teenager. Her desire to enable others to access the support and guidance they need, led her researching charities that would provide this invaluable assistance to sexual assault survivors. After moving to Surrey, she came across RASASC and was greatly impressed with our work.
Susan is a trained pharmacist, who worked for Eli Lilly for 26 years.
She was responsible for overseeing all international registration aspects of Lilly’s medicines, as well as Managing Director of the Eli Lilly UK Research and Development site.
Susan was involved with trade association activities for many years and was previously a trustee of the Eli Lilly Pension Fund, taking on the role of chairperson for the last two years.
Liz is a proactive, creative and pragmatic HR professional with experience in developing and nurturing close senior management partnerships in multi-national organisations. With over 20 years generalist HR experience, Liz is experienced in client group management and is passionate about diversity and ensuring equity and inclusion for all.
Liz was introduced to RASASC through a fellow trustee. Liz was so impressed and humbled by our work to improve the lives of those affected by rape and sexual abuse, that she wanted to use her skills and knowledge to help further our cause.
Helen has been volunteering for RASASC for over 20 years, as a speaker and helping with fundraising events, as well as becoming a trustee, a helpline volunteer, a counsellor and most recently providing our family support service.
Helen lived and worked in Asia for 25 years as a senior HR practitioner in international companies and has since been Associate Faculty at four business schools involved in leadership development for companies going through major change. Helen brings a wealth of business and organisational experience, which she will use to help gain support for RASASC.
Ben is an experienced communications professional who worked as a senior journalist for two national television news organisations for over 15 years. In 2021 Ben left the newsroom and moved into public relations for a technology company.
Ben first learned about RASASC’s vital work through his wife, who previously volunteered as a counsellor for the charity. Hearing about the impact that RASASC's incredible staff and volunteers make inspired him to support the organisation as a trustee.