Call our helpline on 01483 546400 - we are available Monday to Thursday, 7:30pm to 9:30pm


If you need to talk, we’re here to listen.

Our helpline is closing on Thursday 12 December 2024. Please visit our news page to read more about the changes to our helpline service.

If you need helpline support, please call 0808 500 2222, it's available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our confidential helpline provides information and emotional support to survivors of rape or sexual abuse, and to people who are supporting survivors.

The helpline is open four evenings a week, Monday to Thursday, from 7.30pm – 9.30pm on 01483 546400.

To find out more about both our helpline service visit our FAQs page

If you need to talk, we are here to listen to you.

How can this service help?

We aim to provide you with the information and support you need, to allow you to make informed decisions and help you on your recovery journey.

We can signpost you to a range of other relevant services depending on your needs, such as the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

We specialise in helping people in the Surrey area, as we can signpost people to local services. We can also take calls from survivors outside Surrey and give information about services in your area.


If we are worried about your safety or the safety of someone else, then RASASC may have to break confidentiality so we can get you help. We take confidentiality seriously and will only do this in exceptional circumstances. We will try and talk to you before we pass information on. Parties to whom we may disclose information include the emergency and social services.

To read more, please view our Privacy Policy.

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