At RASASC we support survivors of all genders, however they identify. To mark White Ribbon Day, we’re calling for everyone to play their part in ensuring we are all responsible in recognising and calling out abuse in all its forms to help those without a voice be heard. Collectively, we can make a difference.
One of the main areas we can all have an impact is recognising and addressing rape culture. Rape culture is when sexual violence and abuse is normalised, played down or laughed off. This often comes in the form of victim blaming – immediately asking what a victim of sexual abuse was wearing, whether they were drunk, whether they were flirting etc. It’s important to remember that blame always lies with rapists not victims. People have a right to dress and act how they like, and being friendly doesn’t mean they are consenting to sexual activity. Take a look at our rape myths and understanding consent page to find out more.
We also have a school’s programme aimed at 13-19 year olds where we can deliver tailored workshops to students and staff around consent, healthy relationships and sexting. To find out more and request a workshop, contact us on
It’s vital that we work together to say enough is enough, and to end sexual violence for all victims. We work closely with agencies such as Surrey Police and Surrey County Council to ensure we are having an impact within our local communities. Have a look at Surrey Police’s recent Do The Right Thing campaign, which encourages people to call out instances of abuse, racism and sexism
This White Ribbon Day, take a stand and ensure you are playing your part in giving a voice to victims, and calling out all forms of abuse.